Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The End of my Hiatus

Hello, it has been one month since I have announced my hiatus. I think it is time for me to end my hiatus. I have gotten much better since I last posted. This is the continuation of the Russian Anime God (or RAG). I would like to think of this as God the Father's, the Russian deity I used as my profile picture (I think he is a Slavic deity, not really sure though. Also this is because I lost all the high quality images I had for him), death or passing on. This means that a new deity will have to take over. The Slavic deity that will take over is Svetovid. Svetovid will be the new Russian Anime God. God the Father will have a nice passing. It may take some time for Svetovid to get ready to take the rule of RussianAnimeGod but he will be ready soon. May take a couple of days or a week (Most Likely A couple of hours). But I would like to leave God the Father with one last thing before Svetovid takes over. A gift from me, the creator of the Russian Anime Gods, to him. Thank you God the Father, your work as a Russian Anime God was amazing.
*UPDATE: I did a factory reset on my computer and forgot to save the pfp for Svetovid. When the next Svetovid pfp is added it will be different from the current one.

1 comment:

  1. Who might you be? Would you happen to be Tomato Senpai?


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