Tuesday, December 25, 2018


It's that time of year, and that special day. December 25th...
So with me typing that I would like to say Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays.
The Christmas semi-break will continue till at most January 1rst. So see you later comrades.


Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Semi-break

Hello comrades, I am back with a new post. I may not be as active as I was, watching Fairy Tail every day, because Christmas is coming up. As you might not know in Russia Christmas is a bit of a private holiday. We celebrate it mostly in our homes with our family. That is what I am doing! I will be taking some time off to celebrate Christmas. I will return in a week or two so worry not. This is not another hiatus.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Black Clover Episode 63 Thoughts

Hello comrades, I am back with a new type of post, Episode thoughts. I just finished episode 63 of Black Clover and my Russian Anime God, it was amazing. The art style was clearly different from normal but that is probably due to all the fast paced animation that went on. They added more stuff to the story than the manga in my opinion. But in general this was maybe the best episode of Black Clover so far.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Contact the Russian Anime God and more

Hello comrades, it is I, the Russian Anime God.
You may have seen that the blog has been renovated. I have been working on watching some anime and hentai but I also have been working on the blog's design. I have added a "Important Post" gadget on the right and below the blog archive is a button were you can follow the blog. It would be appreciated if you followed the blog. You may have noticed the "Contact Me" button near the top. It will let you email me a question or message. You just have to fill out a form and I will try to respond to you as soon as I can. I have also made a logo for the blog. Give me feedback on the design and I will tweak the design.

See you later comrades,
      Russian Anime God

Friday, December 14, 2018

Dual Accounts

Hello my comrades, You may notice someone replying to you in the comments named "RussianAnimeGod." That is me. I had to create a second account since my Blogger account is linked to my main Google account. I had to create an entirely new Google account just for this. So I will be replying to you in the comments.
See you later,
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