Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The next series of anime that I will be watching

Hello comrades, it is I, the Russian Anime God. I have been gone for quite a bit without any updates. I am quite sorry for that. I have been busy with blending in with you mortals. I have decided to get a job that will take time out of my ability to update you and watch anime. This significantly my Russian powers but I will prevail and will succeed my previous incarnation, God the Father, as the most powerful Anime god. This blog will not die. Even if I die the next incarnation will take over for me. But here is my definitive list for anime I will be watching this season, Spring 2019, already out anime, and future seasons.
-One Punch Man Season 2
-Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
-No Game No Life Season 2 (Scratch that one)
-Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
-Isekai Quartet
-Sound Euphonium (Every season and the upcoming movie)
-Kimetsu no Yaiba
-Fruits Basket
-ReZero: Starting Life in a new World Season 2
-Every episode of Detective Conan and every movie(On me, that's gonna be worse than Russian Hell.)
-Ta ga tame no Alchemist
-Love Live
-Oregairu Seasons 1-3

There may be some anime on this list that aren't mentioned but these are definite anime I will be watching.
I have also been reading the No Game No Life Light Novel because Season 2 is a fool's dream to still believe in.

Monday, February 11, 2019

I will finally be touching the Monogatari series + A special day.

Been a while since I posted so I would like to announce some things.

1. I will be touching the Monogatari series now.
2. It's my birthday.

Now that I have announced these things let me go into some detail.
The Monogatari series has always been in the back of my catalog for quite some time. I was recommended it a few months ago. So now one of my new main focus animes will be the Monogatari seires.

And the second announcement I made was it was my birthday. Yes February 11th is my birthday.

Well this was a short update.
See you in the next one

Sunday, January 27, 2019

UItra Binging

I ultra binged Fairy Tail season 2.
I didn't expect Igneel to die and all the dragons to come back. I like how they recognized Gildarts exists in episode 102.
Not much I have to say about it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Finishing Fairy Tail Season 1 + Update on my whereabouts.

I just finished Fairy Tail season one and it was amazing. It was so amazing I gave it the "amazing shit" tag on my Anime List on MAL. I've also been playing Fire Emblem so I can be ready for Fire Emblem Three Houses in Spring. Also if you plan to go E3 2019 in California I may be there. I will post an image of what I will look like so if you see someone that looks like that at E3 2019 walk up to them and ask if they are the RussianAnimeGod.
This was a pretty short update.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Great Way to Start off 2019

Hello comrades, I come bearing great news

This is great news! I and now aiming for 300 anime series watched and 125 days of anime watched for 2019.
See you next post.


Happy New Years

Hello comrades, I am back from my semi-break and here to say Happy New Years! In Russia, New Years is a very celebrated holiday. So have fun today! I may also be going to E3 2019 and Anime NYC. So if you're going there I may see you there. You may not get to meet me since I will keep my true identity and look a secret. See you next post.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


It's that time of year, and that special day. December 25th...
So with me typing that I would like to say Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays.
The Christmas semi-break will continue till at most January 1rst. So see you later comrades.

Older Posts here is the place for the links